Prepare Packages for InstallationΒΆ

FindFace Enterprise Server SDK can be installed from a local repository. You can receive the FindFace Enterprise Server SDK distributable packages from your NTechLab manager. To prepare the packages for installation, do the following:


The ntech user will be automatically created at this stage. To avoid a conflict, make sure that such a user does not already exist in the system.

  1. Unpack the package with components on each designated host.

    sudo dpkg -i <findface-repo>.deb
  2. Unpack the packages with models (face, gender, age, and emotions). In the cluster environment, models are installed only on the findface-nnapi hosts.

    sudo dpkg -i findface-data*
  3. Add a signature key on each designated host.

    sudo apt-key add /var/findface-repo/public.key